Latest Updates in Planning 

The planning system is being remodelled by the new government to help achieve its objectives for housebuilding, economic development and mitigating climate change. A new version of the National Planning Policy Framework was published in December 2024 and measures contained in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act passed in 2023 to speed up plan making are now being implemented. Devolution and local government reorganisation will shake up the relationship between parish councils and upper tier authorities. All of this will have an impact on the way local plans are made, planning decisions are taken and on the role of neighbourhood plans. 

Suitable Audience

The course is aimed at councillors and council staff who have some familiarity with the current planning system and want to keep up to date with the way that it is going to change as a result of new legislation and government policy.


By the end of the latest Updates in Planning training you will have:

  • An understanding of recent changes to Local Plans
  • Changes that are proposed and how they matter to you
  • The way local plans are made
  • How planning decisions are taken
  • The role of neighbourhood plans
  • Plan-making, housing numbers, biodiversity, and infrastructure funding


2024/2025 Prices

Hampshire ALC Member/Development Partner£48 +VAT
Berkshire ALC Member/Non Hampshire Development Partner£59 +VAT
Non Member£72 +VAT

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